Your safety is our top priority, we are committed to providing you with safe and reliable procedures to enhance your beauty in a responsible manner.
We have a team of highly trained and certified professionals who have extensive experience in the field of medical aesthetic treatments. We work with the latest technologies and follow strict safety protocols to ensure that each procedure is performed safely and effectively.
Aesthetic Medical Consultation to recommend a treatment based on the result you wish to obtain.
360° Aesthetic Medical Consultation where the doctor will make a complete analysis of the body to harmonize your natural beauty.
Videoconsultation at Médica Estética for 25 minutes to recommend a treatment based on the result you wish to obtain.
Ideal for moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating and combating acne after-effects.
Ideal for preventing aging and restoring mature skin as well as sensitive skin with redness and rosacea
Ideal for cell regeneration, wrinkle reduction, improved skin texture and tone, and accelerated healing. Exosomes promote collagen and elastin production, resulting in a younger, healthier appearance.
Ideal para paralizar el músculo con una apariencia muy natural en frente, entrecejo y líneas alrededor de los ojos.
Se recomienda a partir de los 25 años, gesticulación baja o primer aplicación.
Ideal para paralizar el músculo con una apariencia muy natural en frente, entrecejo y líneas alrededor de los ojos.
Se recomienda a partir de los 25 años, gesticulación baja o primer aplicación.
Ideal para paralizar el músculo con una apariencia natural en frente, entrecejo y líneas alrededor de los ojos.
Se recomienda a partir de los 30 años o gesticulación media.
Ideal para paralizar el músculo con una apariencia natural en frente, entrecejo y líneas alrededor de los ojos.
Se recomienda a partir de los 40 años, o gesticulación alta.
Ideal to increase the production of collagen and elastin, thus improving skin texture and reducing the after-effects of acne.
Levair PLLA® es ideal para personas que desean combatir signos del envejecimiento como flacidez, pérdida de volumen facial o líneas finas y arrugas. Es perfecto para quienes buscan resultados graduales, naturales y armónicos, sin recurrir a procedimientos invasivos
Ideal for reducing or preventing flaccidity in the face, neck, décolleté, arms, abdomen, hands, buttocks or legs.
Sculptra es perfecto para quienes desean combatir la flacidez, pérdida de volumen o líneas de expresión, sin alterar su expresión facial. Ideal para personas que buscan resultados naturales y de larga duración
Ácido Hialurónico ideal para restauración del volumen y contorno Facial en zonas como: Frente, sienes, labios, pliegues medios y profundos en los surcos nasogenianos o líneas de marioneta
Ácido Hialurónico ideal para tratar las arrugas superficiales en zonas como: Líneas finas, periorbitales y del cuello
Ácido Hialurónico ideal para realzar y aumentar rasgos faciales específicos en zonas como: Pómulos, mentón y mandíbula
Hyaluronic Acid ideal to combat dark circles under the eyes, helps to eliminate creases, wrinkles and reduces the phenomenon of dehydration and pigmentation in the area.
Hyaluronic Acid ideal for lip augmentation or lip contouring without losing the mobility and natural appearance of the lips.
Generates a tightening effect with the insertion and traction in the opposite direction of the aging vectors, preserving the movement of the muscles of the face, thus achieving a youthful and natural appearance by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.
This thread with bi-directional spicules increases its traction capacity on the skin. It has also been proven to produce more collagen and generate more tension in the skin to combat flaccidity in a fast and safe way.
It is a treatment that acts on fat cells, also called adipocytes, stimulating the reduction of fat content in addition to promoting the circulatory system and lymphatic drainage.
Increases lymphatic drainage and blood flow. Ideal for fluid retention treatments, reduce adipocyte volume and acts as a diffuser of other active substances. In addition to its use to degrade hyaluronic acid.
Renews collagen fibers and stimulates their regeneration. It has a powerful firming effect, improves skin texture, suppleness and toning.
Ideal to reduce localized fat that you cannot lose even with exercise.
Carboxytherapy is a non-surgical treatment that promotes oxygenation of body cells through the infiltration of CO2 (carbon dioxide). This gas, which our body expels naturally through breathing. It is ideal to combat cellulite, localized fat, stretch marks, facial wrinkles, sagging facial skin and whitening of dark circles.
Ideal for immediate volume increase and up to 70% of the ML applied, it is ideal if you want to correct size irregularities between them, contour the hip, fill depressions in buttocks or post-liposuction concavities, improve the quality and appearance of the skin resulting in a “velvety” skin with results of 12 to 18 months.
Ideal for increasing the volume and muscle tone of the gluteal area, a method that must be reinforced with training in the gym. It is an entirely biological product that generates no side effects, intolerance or contraindications.
Ideal to increase the thickness of the hair shaft, especially recommended after a hair transplant, as it favors its growth by shortening the time and making it grow with better quality, helps to promote hair recovery in the postpartum period. But it is also very useful if the only objective is to take care of hair health, without having undergone a transplant.
Ideal to increase stop hair loss, strengthen the hair root, promote a more lush appearance, induces the formation of new capillaries and improves the vascularization of the rest, regulates and stimulates the release of growth factors from the cells near the follicle and improves hair metabolism.
Ideal para fade spots and even out skin tone, applied by Dermapen for a uniform result.
Safe and short-lasting procedure. Facial cauterization allows the removal of warts in a single session with permanent results.